Thank you for your prayers. Unfortunately we did not get the news we wanted today. The one spot on the bottom of Tim’s left lung has grown and there is a new spot on the bottom of his right lung.…
Thank you for your prayers. Unfortunately we did not get the news we wanted today. The one spot on the bottom of Tim’s left lung has grown and there is a new spot on the bottom of his right lung.…
What worried us the most 5 years ago before entering the hospital on April 1st, 2012? I remember quite vividly what used to worry me…. Tim worried me. Tim always worried me. He was burning the candle on both ends…
Shit! It seems that there are triggers everywhere for me right now. Today, this morning, I am sick to my stomach with memories of 5 years ago. Sick with thoughts of what happened to our family 5 years ago, although…
Hey Guys – so it is THE END OF FEBRUARY – can you believe it? Spring is almost here. With the weather we have been experiencing in Upstate New York as of late, you would think Spring was already here.…
Gosh how my heart aches and aches and ACHES…and then I take a deep breath, try to push it away and it aches more. The tears they just don’t stop. This damn kidney thing is throwing us for a loop.…
Hey all…well, we landed ourselves in the Emergency Room around 9am this morning
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The scan was excellent. NO NEW SPOTS. The spot from January that we radiated continues to go away. The 2 spots we have been treating have behaved. They stayed the same if not reduced slightly. The…
That is the best way to describe it. Every time the thought of Tuesday, October 18th @ 8am pops in to my head (which is all the freakin time) my body surges with this pain – from head to toe.…
Well, today wasn’t a good day. Tim had an allergic reaction to one of the chemo medicines, Oxaliplatin. So all was going as planned, he got hooked up to the infusion around 11:15am… I left around 11:40am to grab us…
We got some gooooood news!!!!! There are NO NEW SPOTS and they see a slight reduction in the tumors that are there. Woo Hoo – Thank You God for answering our prayers. We feel this is the best news we…