BEuninTIMidated invites you to attend the 11th Annual…
Join us for Casino Games, Beverage Tasting, Raffles, Appetizers, Cash Bar and lots of FUN! All Proceeds to be used for Appendix Cancer Research and Patient/Family Care.
Where: Evento East, 1900 Empire Blvd., Suite 630, Webster, NY 14580
When: Saturday January 25th, 2025 from 6:00pm until 11:00pm
Cost: Ticket prices are as follows and all tickets include $500 in playing chips
$75 per person before January 1st, 2025
$80 per person up to January 23rd, 2025
$85 per person at the door
Online ticket sales are closed – tickets may be purchased at the door
Interested in Sponsorship? Choose from the following Sponsorship levels:
“Online sponsor package sales are closed – contact if you are interested in supporting our Fundraiser”
The mission of the organization is to:
Provide guidance / advocate for individuals with rare cancers. Helping them identify the best possible treatment & provide funding for travel expenses as they seek medical opinions on these treatments
Support the work and research of Dr. Armando Sardi, an Appendix Cancer Specialist, at Mercy Medical in Baltimore Maryland
Provide funding in support of Wilmot Cancer Center’s efforts and work to receive NCI (National Cancer Institute)
For more information Go to
Checks will also be accepted and should be made payable to: Be uninTIMidated
Mail Checks to: 20 Thomlinson Circle, Penfield, NY 14526
Contact us: