worry [wur-ee, wuhr-ee] /ˈwɜr i, ˈwʌr i/ • verb (used without object), worried, worrying. 1. to torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts; fret. Life right now you would think, in the space that we are in with Tim…
Feeling a little funky today… I think it was the utter shock in Mackenzie’s eyes and face last night at the dinner table when I referred to this time as “Scan Month”… oh that baby wasn’t even thinking about a…
Two years ago today, this Monday, (it was April 2, 2012) at 6:30pm EST and our world collapsed around me. Per Dr. Johnson with sadness in his face, “it does not look good”. I fell to my knees. Noises and voices were…
As a family member, friend, business acquaintance, fellow cancer warrior or supporter, Tim and I are asking for your help. Below you will find links to a video that tells our story in just under 6 minutes. This video, this story, could…
Tim’s Speech – Casino Night Fundraiser Be sure to click on the additional 2 videos to hear from those families that Be uninTIMidated has been able to help so far. In their words; “we owe Tim our life”.